Bon, le groupe n'existe plus!
J'ai cependant trouvé un article qui en parlait vers 1985! Je recommence, je fais une histoire du début de cet amour du futur positif vers 1983, alors que tout le monde attendait la fin du monde par une attaque nucléaire.
Maintenant, trente ans après, je re-regarde cette aventure. Je suis TRÈS BIEN documenté, j'essaierai de faire une exposition.
Leçon: si on a réussi une fois à éviter une castastrophe peut-être réussirons-nous à en éviter une autre!!! je suis en droit de le penser!!!
n Belle Glade, a Catholic nun working for the poor excitedly talks about a rainbow that has shined into her life and the life of several of Belle Glade`s Haitians.
The rainbow has come from NOAH.
In Belle Glade, the rainbow is from Neighbors Organized for Adequate Housing, a group which has enabled several Haitians to enjoy
a better standard of living in upgraded housing.
The work NOAH has done is due in part to the assistance of some members of the Futures Group of Palm Beach
County, a small group of county residents intending to make a large impact on the county`s future.
``They just don`t sit on the side and talk. They get out and do,`` Sister Pat Downs said.
The impact of the Futures Group reaches into all spheres of society: political, social
, socioeconomic and religious.
The impact is being made by fewer than 100 people whose common bond is to see to it that the future of Palm Beach County is a positive one, with innovative
yet tempered growth.
One of the organizers of the local Futures movement is Julie Noble, director of Cities
in Schools, a private program geared toward preventing young people from dropping out of school.
Noble had been working for the Bankers Land Co., planning for the social aspects of the year 2000 in northern Palm Beach County when she began to get involved in the Futures movement. She met with a small group of people from all walks of life -- grass roots-level people who had some type of influence on the local affairs.
They had a desire to inspire change in the county.
The Futures movement is a worldwide one. Its reason for being is illustrated in such books as Alvin Toffler`s Third Wave and Robert Theobold`s futuristic writings.
Theobold, during one of his speeches in West Palm Beach, inspired the local Futures movement two years ago, Noble said.
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